Todd Murray, aka Waygoner here at writes, "Here is a picture and story of my turkey hunt in Colorado last weekend.
My brothers and I have been hunting together for years, but this was the first year the three of us got together for a spring turkey hunt. The Uncompahgre Plateau is one of the best areas in Colorado for turkey, which happens to be a short drive from my brother's house in Montrose. On Friday, we spent a few hours scouting the area we planned to hunt, but were a little discouraged by the lack of fresh sign, so we decided to just try our luck in a spot we were familiar with.
We were up at 4:30 on opening day and arrived at our destination before daybreak, only to find another hunter was already parked where we planned to hunt. We retreated about 1/2 mile to another area and finished our coffee as we waited for the sun to come up. When it was light enough to see, we stepped out to get our gear out of the truck. I gave a quick hoot on the owl call and heard a gobble close by! The gobbling continued as we quickly gathered our gear. We decided the birds were roosting in the big Ponderosa pines a few hundred yards up the hill from us. We made our way up through the trees and set the decoys in small clearing about 50 yards from the stand of pines.
After we were all in our positions we started calling with a few yelps. Multiple gobbles ensued. We took turns calling and within a few minutes I spotted the first bird making his way through the aspens about 30 yards in front of me. The turkeys came in fast once they spotted the decoys. My heart was pounding as I tried to pick a bird out of the group. I waited for them to get in close, and right as they reached the decoys my brother Jeff took the first shot. All hell broke loose as the birds scattered and the shots rang out. By 6:35 a.m. on opening day, it was over. We had each bagged a turkey.
The birds were all young jakes, but as you can see from the smiles on our faces it was the hunt of a lifetime. It was my 2nd turkey hunt and my
first bird. My brother Scott had never been turkey hunting before. It was the third bird for my brother Jeff. My two nephews who are 8 and 10 were along for the hunt too. They proudly helped carry the birds to the truck and couldn't wait to tell their friends about the hunt. We're already talking about hunting together next year."