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"David's Opening Day Whitetail"
Photo provided by: David Keith

David Keith, aka grayghost here at, sent this photo of the dandy 17-inch, 8 point whitetail buck he took on opening day of rifle season.

David writes, "Opening morning found me in my tree stand at daylight. Temp's were 28 degrees, clear skies and still. At 6:50 am, I began to notice a very slight breeze at my back and the thermals were rising as the sun came up over the far ridge. At 6:55 am, I caught the smell of a rutting buck. Nothing usual, except that I was 20 feet high in a tree stand! I slowly rose and turned to look behind me...nothing in sight. I pulled out my Woods Wise Deer call and blew one grunt, then turned my call away in the opposite direction and blew two short grunts. I stood motionless for about two minutes and scanned the wooded ridge..still nothing. As I turned to sit back down, I heard the unmistakable sound of a deer running through the woods. As I stood back up and turned, I could see a deer coming towards me at a gallop. I pulled up my .280 and found the animal in my scope. As it began to slow into a walk, I could see it was a decent buck and a shooter. I waited until it cleared the under brush and took my shot. The buck went down and didn't move. The buck was 35 yards when I took my shot. The buck field dressed at 130 pounds, no heavy weight but a nice one with a 17 inch spread. The deer had no body fat left from rutting. His Tarsal glands were wet to his hooves and he had been rubbing his antlers that morning. Fresh bark was lodged in his bases."

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