Winner of our Best At-Large Field Photo Contest!
Prize = Trajectory Shooting Monopod!
Robert Naugle, aka bobby7321, shared in our forum the following about his Stone Sheep hunt.........
"Just returned from a good hunt in Northern British Columbia (Muncho Lake area). Hunted with Art & Crystal Thompson aka Gundahoo River Outfitters.
Weather was pretty crappy. Rain, fog, and wind for most of the hunt. We had a few nice days and those are the days that things got done. Sheep were staying low and in the timber, which made them pretty hard to spot and even harder to stalk. Changed camps a couple times. Overall a pretty tough hunt. Got my ram on day 9 or 10 I think. Had a goat tag, but only had one day to chase them. Saw some goats but nothing worth climbing after. By that time my knees had had enough anyways...
It was my first real horse back hunt. Had rode horses in Azerbaijan, but those were small and also the total time on the horses didn't amount to much really. Art's horses were very big and strong and were a totally different experience."