While hunting Washington, Aric Johnson took this fine Roosevelt bull with his Remington 700 ADL, 30-06 pushing a 180 grain Nosler Partition. It's his first elk. Aric writes, "I put the sneak on for about three hours. At one point, I was approx. 15 yards from one of his cows, and she was feeding towards my position. I would only move when the wind and rain would be at its worst, giving me the sound cover I needed. There were 9 cows total in the herd and they were all slowly browsing to my right. The wind was blowing in my face and over my left shoulder, and the ground was soft from the last three days of a storm. I had ferns, vine maples, blackberry vines, alder and cedar trees for cover. It took me approx. 45 minutes to move 20 feet into a group of second growth cedars, until I finally located the 4x5 Roosevelt bull off to my left. He was approx. 25 yards away giving me a forward quartering shot. One shot, and he fell 15 yards from his last position.
