Byron Kay writes, "Opening weekend of the mule deer season found me in Winkler County, Texas. We had hunted all day only seeing a couple of small bucks, and lots of wild hogs. About 3:30 we were resting and I decided to take a walk in the sand dunes to look for arrowheads. I found this old boy asleep in his bed. He was laying in the shade of one of the dunes. Saw him at about 70 yards, but could not get a good look at his rack, so I worked my way around another dune. Still could only see one side. My friend who owns the ranch was still at the truck with his wife and my son. We had been trying to find a buck for my friends wife to shoot. I thought this buck might make a good candidate. I was trying to figure out how to get back to the truck, get her, then get back to get a shot on the buck. About that time I can hear the truck running. The buck was still asleep. At this point I starting to get a little nervous and still do not know how large the buck was. As I'm looking at the buck, I see the truck come over a sand dune. I stood up and waved my arms so that my son who was in the bed of the truck could see me. My son saw me and told my friend "There he is, stop". I then signaled with my arms that there was a large buck between us. My son told my friend, "He says the dune is to steep go a different way." The buck is still asleep!! My friend turns the truck in a different direction, as they disappear from my view the buck wakes up and lifts his head. I am still looking at the buck from behind. I am now thinking that this a pretty good buck. At this point the buck jumps and running almost directly at me, realizing how wide he is, I pulled up on him and hit him at around forty yards, dropping him. I knew he was pretty good, but ground shrinkage didn't come into play on him. The closer I got, the bigger he got. 31-1/2 inch spread, 12 points! Field dressing almost 300 lbs. I told my son that he has to take hand signal lessons before we go back next year."
