Damon Swenson writes, "It was the 3rd day of the Utah archery hunt. I was hunting on public land in southern Utah. I was sitting in my ground blind around 6pm, when down on the road, I heard an ATV engine start and stop 3 times in sequence. That was the signal my brother and I had arranged -- meaning he had found a shooter buck that he felt I might have a good chance at. I quickly gathered all my gear up and headed toward the road. When I got there he told me that he'd just seen 4 four point bucks within 100 yards of the road! We headed back up to the area, and luckily there was no one else driving the roads anywhere nearby. When we got back to the spot I saw my buck bedded not more than 40 yards off the ATV trail. I rolled off the ATV and practically laid flat on the trail while my brother continued on up the trail. The buck was bedded in some nasty deadfall, and I could not get an exact range on him with the rangefinder, so I estimated 40 yds, and waited for him to move. He was looking in my direction, but not right at me, I think he knew something was wrong, but wasn't sure exactly what. I waited for what seemed like forever until he finally started to stand up, at that moment I drew, anchored and released. The Wac'em 100 grain broadhead whacked him good. He traveled less than 100 yards. He green scored low 160's -- 26" wide a sweet buck! Thanks to my brother, I had a nice trophy!"

