Mark Zacher writes, "Well, here is a couple of nice mule deer bucks that my hunting buddy (Kevin Martin) and my son (Tony Zacher) shot on opening weekend in South Dakota. We were hunting up north by Buffalo, South Dakota. Saturday morning we woke up to heavy rains and our hunting area is all walk-in land with lots of clay ground to walk and crawl in. My buddy, Kevin, ended up getting on his nice 4 point doing the army crawl and got within about 300-350 yards and put him down with his Tikka 30-06. There was a lot of deer moving around that day, but Tony and myself (Mark Zacher) never quite found what we were looking for. Well, we were all soaked to the bone by noon, so back to town we went to warm up and get dry closes. The afternoon dried up and the sun came out to make for a nice afternoon hunt, but no big shooter bucks. Sunday morning came quick and away we went again, this time Tony got on this nice muley way in the back end of the bluffs. He dropped this guy at 400-425 yards with his Thompson Encore 7mm rem Mag. He was pretty excited and made a great shot. I was glad to be there to see it. If you notice Tony's mule deer looks like it has whitetail horns---kind of different. As for me (Mark), I didn't take a buck. I was of course looking for the big boy and never did find him, but the joy of hunting with family and friends is always worth it, Enjoy."
