Craig Eckstein writes, "I’ve been a huge fan of big muleys for 15 years now. This year, I connected with my best-ever buck in Wyoming. It’s a 6x6 with a 30-inch outside spread and a gross B&C score over 185 (not exact yet).
My friend, Steve Kellar, and I watched this deer bed down early in the morning (7:30am), but didn’t take the long shot. After waiting a while, he got up to move into the shade – he walked right toward us at 250 yards. Neither one of us shot – we both thought the other was going to shoot! The deer disappeared into a small ravine, and we thought he’d continue coming toward us, to within 100 yards. He never came out. After 2 hours of patiently waiting for him to appear, we decided to stalk him. We had a good head-wind and walked only when the wind gusted. We jumped him out of his bed in the bottom of the ravine. He ran up the opposite side and gave Steve a poor shot thru trees, and he missed. He ran into an opening, quartering away from me at less than 75 yards, and I nailed him. Needless to say, we were pretty happy hunters on October 21, 2004!
The next day, my wife Lisa stalked up on a nice bedded muley in a horrible wind storm and made a great shot on her biggest-ever muley."