Ben Tod writes, "I was lucky and finally drew a late season deer tag in my home state of Arizona. The hunt was at the end of December when our mule deer are in the rut, and when I have two weeks off school for Christmas.
On the first day, my dad and I spotted three groups of deer, with several bucks. One of the bucks was a big non-typical. He was wide with some extra points.
I could not get close enough for a good shot at the big buck, as he moved through the trees. We tried for the next couple of days, but never saw him again.
We decided to try another area in the unit. That first morning, we spotted twenty deer, with several being decent bucks. Late in the morning, we spotted the big one. He was with seven other deer, chasing them around on a hillside.
I setup my bipod and found him in my scope. He jumped when I first shot, then ran up the hill to some trees and stopped. Just before shooting again, he went down."