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They'll Hook Ya!

If you have never tried Mahogany Smoked meats, then you are in for a real taste treat. First of all, try the Mahogany Smoked Bacon and give it the comparison test with your favorite bacon. They'll hook you on the bacon, there's no doubt about that!
Next, try the Top Sirloin Slab Jerky. It's the second best seller next to the Bacon. And, don't forget the famous Mahogany Smoked Ham. Your dinner guests will ask, "Where did you get that ham?" and Meadow Farms will have a new customer. No doubt about that either.

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"Scott's Archery Hunting Fun"
Photo provided by: Scott McGann
Scott McGann, of Emmett, Idaho, had a fun year of archery hunting. He harvested a super buck on his birthday and then a great bull.
Scott writes, "On my b-day I was out hunting for 2 bucks I had scouted several times in the summer. I found them and watched them feeding for several hours. They finally bedded and the stalk was on. After heading thru the desert in my socks for a couple hundred yards I was within 30 yds. I put the arrow where I wanted it. The end result was a 170 1/8 P&Y buck." (Upper Photo)

The bull in the lower photo is Scott's first archery bull.
Scott writes, "The first morning out of my 2001 elk season I called in a spike for my buddy and he missed. 20 minutes later we called in a little 5x6 and my partner connected. After packing it out we were exhausted. I was so worn out I told him I wasn't going to hunt hard that night. I decided to go sit in a treestand we had set up for his dad to try and get a deer. I was cow calling from the stand when 3 bulls bugled. I almost jumped out of the tree. The biggest of the 3 came in to 8 yards. I drilled him and he only went 50 yards."
The bull is a 6x7 and scores 263 2/8 P&Y.


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