Building an Effective Strategy for Applying for Premium Tags -- By Brad Vargo
The Best Nevada Hunt Units For Muley Bucks -- By Jeff Keysar
Wyoming's Top Limited Entry Deer and Antelope Units -- By Brad Vargo
Utah's Best Limited Entry Units -- By Brad Vargo
New Years Reflections Of One Elk Hunter
The Future Of Traditional Muzzleloader Hunting
Follow Your Nose To Elk -- Do cover scents help or hinder?
Wildlife Management 101 -- A professional wildlife biologist brings clarity to a sometimes blurry picture.
Utah's CWMUs -- Cooperative Wildlife Management Units benefit landowners, hunters and wildlife.
Utah's Walk-In Access -- A new program is opening thousands of acres of private land to public hunting.
Silence Of The Lambs -- It never hurts to be friendly to other hunters.
Private Land, Public Elk -- Is wildlife herding a problem? How would you deal with it?
Hunting Ethics -- Changing values in changing times.
Camp Stoves Demand Respect -- Tips on taking care of your camp stove.
How To Keep Your Tent Forever -- A helpful hints article about taking care of your tent.
Fawns-Bucks-Does, Where does it all start? -- Could we be hurting our mule deer herds and not even knowing it? Read this excellent article and voice your thoughts in our forums.
It All Starts With the Fawns -- Read this fine article written by Dr. Terry Messmer about the importance of fawn survival.
Some Thoughts on the Delicate Predator Prey Relationship -- A Must Read article by Todd A. Black concerning the predator/prey relationship which is effecting our deer herds.
The Great Mule Deer Dilemma -- Mule Deer numbers have been steadily declining for the past 30 years. There are dozens, if not more, reasons as to why. In this article Art Isberg talks about what is happening and what can be done.
The Deer Hunters Four Letter Word...LUCK -- Luck is a commonly used word in the hunting world. Most of us not only feel lucky to go hunting, but also feel lucky when we fill a tag. Read this excellent article about both sides of luck as seen by Larry Pasero Jr.
Modernist vs. Traditionalist Debate: -- Is it a losing battle for both sides? Read the article! Written by Mark Banta.
Wyoming Game & Fish to Consider Antler Hunting Season -- Should Wyoming have a shed hunting season? Read the article, then share your thoughts in our forums. Article courtesy of The Sublette County Journal.
"Wintertime Visitors" -- Mike Radford shares his views on the tough winter the mule deer have been facing in Utah.
"White-tailed Deer Vs. Mule Deer" -- Whitetail deer are moving into Utah. It's time to decide what to do. This article contains many facts about the whitetail deer and how they will effect our mule deer herd. Written by Todd Black.
What have our highways done to our deer herds? -- Deer-Vehicle Collisions (DVCs) are becoming more common each year. What can be done? Who will get it done? Written by Todd Sullivan.
An Honest Tale of Fiction -- We've all heard the stories of the monster buck that got away. But here is a story of a "monster" that didn't get away. Written by Mark Banta.
Local Sportsmen's Group Makes A Major Difference In Utah -- How are the proceeds from conservation tags helping ALL sportsmen? Originally featured in the Spring 2001 issue of Trophy Hunter Magazine and written by Troy Justensen (aka "X-treme" here at
"Where have all the mule deer gone?" -- Todd Black is a biologist and environmental consultant. He shares his thoughts on what is happening to our mule deer.
Making The Shot -Off Season- -- Featured in the Fall 2000 issue of Trophy Hunter, By Jim Schmidt
Wouldn't you like to draw a great tag? -- Maximize your chance of drawing a great tag.
How to: "Age your buck" -- A little something on aging deer, with a graphic.
"Hunting the Timberline Trophies" -- Our two cents on hunting the high country.
"What to do?" -- So what are you going to do now that the hunting season is over?
Utah's "Dedicated Hunter Program" -- Ever wondered what Utah's Dedicated Hunter program is all about?

Photo by Peter L. Eades © Peter's Website
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