If you've had the chance to browse through our Hunting Forums, Photo Gallery, or Photo Tours section, you've probably noticed that the content we offer our readers and visitors is pretty awesome. The trophy bucks, bulls, and other big game animals that our readers share are incredible!
We offer advertising options that can easily fit within your budget.
State Guide/Outiftter Ad/Links
Guide/Outfitter Home Page Ad/Links
Banner Ad and Section Sponsorship Packages
Taxidermist Ad/Links
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State Guide/Outfitter Ad/Links are $200.00 for a one year listing on the state page of your choice. The ad/links will typically generate hundreds of visitors to your website per year. The ad/links can contain up to 30 words, plus a small photo if you would like. Also included is a listing on state forum page if available and FREE Hunts & Tags Classifieds posts.
The Guide/Outfitter Home Page Ad/Links are very effective, typically generating thousands of visits to the advertisers website per year. Also included in the Home Page ad package is a listing on a State Guide Page, 20,000 300x250 Banner Ad Impressions each month, Hunts & Tags Classifieds Page, State Forum Pages and will rotate and be displayed on various other pages of the site thousands of times per year!!!
The rate for these ads is $275.00 for 3 consecutive months or $1000.00 per year.
The ad/links can contain up to 20 words, or 7 or 8 words plus a small photo.
The following is our monthly ad rates, along with the included number of banner impressions per month.
(Note: There is a 2-month minimum on ad purchases)
Premium: Premium MM Sponsorship: Standard: Standard MM Sponsorship: Other Options Available: (Please Call or Email) |
50k Top & 150k Side-of-Page Banner Imp. 25k Top & 75k Side-of-Page Banner Imp. Other Options Available: Various Forum Sponsorships |
$250 per month $150 per month From $100.00... |
State Taxidermist Ad/Links are $50.00 for a TWO year (Or $100.00 for a 5 year) listing on the state page of your choice. The ad/links can contain up to 30 words, plus a small photo if you would like.
Also, for those of you taxidermists who really want to show-off your work, we also offer one page websites where you can share 6-8 photos of your best work. Give us a call for details. Single page sites...$200.00.
Banner ad creation is $50.00 per ad. All top-of-page ad banners are 728 pixels wide by 90 pixels tall for full and 300 pixels wide and 50 pixels tall (mobile). Side(lower)-of-page ad banners are 300 pixels wide by 250 pixels tall.
1. All advertising copy is subject to the publisher's approval and acceptance.
2. Ad copy and/or images can be emailed to: [email protected]. Please provide images in a JPEG, GIF, Bitmap, or TIFF format.
It is our goal to completely satisfy your expectations. This means that we will go above and beyond to send you the clients and customers you want. We will be working hard to make your online advertising here at a complete success.
We look forward to doing business with you. Give us a call or send us an email and we'll have your ads up and working for you in just a few short days.
Thank you,
Brian Latturner
(801) 808-4610
Email: [email protected]

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